Saturday, October 2, 2010

More steps toward tyranny.......

Obama Admin Targets Pro-Lifers in FBI Training Forum With Pro-Abortion Orgs

by Steven Ertelt Editor
September 30, 2010

Washington, DC ( -- Documents obtained today reveal the Obama administration partnered with leading pro-abortion organizations to host an FBI training seminar in August with the main focus of declaring as "violent" the free speech activities of pro-life Americans........




I was getting ready for work the other morning, and I decided, after my first cup(s) of coffee, that I would try my hand at a blog. I usually am better in the mornings, especially after the cups of joe to think about things. I was listening to the news on the radio and heard a gentleman (can't remember now who it was) talking about how we could not lower taxes because it would take away funding from the vast amount of government programs and that would adversely affect the "poor and the needy". ....must have been a liberal news outlet. I do listen to them occasionally.

"Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster." Sun Tsu

So with the clarity that only my third cup of coffee could bring, I realized that what we had done as a nation and a world was turn the Catholic idea of helping the "poor and needy" and turned it into the disaster that it has become. At a time when the Catholic Church was strong, we, the Church, took care of the "poor and the needy". You, as an individual, doing what God called you to do, gave to the Church. You tithed weekly, you put money in the poor box and you felt good about it because YOU made the decision to do what God wanted you to do. The priest, who by the way doesn't require a 250K salary, takes those donations and distributes them to the "poor and the needy".

Somewhere along the line, I'm guessing during the protestant "revolution", it was decided that all of what the Catholic Church had acquired should be taken by the government. They would then distribute it to whomever, or keepit, as they saw fit. As a result of this, you know have a government that takes the money from the people....they decide how much and when, and from who....and then THEY decide where it is going. You do not make the decision to give to others, they make it for you. Even to the point where you may not have enough money left over to put in the poor box! This reminds me of a story I read years ago about bolt purchased by the government costing $100 each.

Our ship has capsized and no one seems to be willing to do what needs to be done to right it.  Instead of going along with the current program (as the gentleman was stating on the news program) and deciding that because we are so entrenched in our current situation we just throw up our hands, we need to get up off the couch and do something about it. Pray and work for God and Church. answer, a Catholic Monarchy. Forget capitalism and the desire for the things of this world. We need to desire the things of heaven first. The rest will fall into place.

Ora et labora